IMPORTANCE OF MINERALS RECIPE FOR DESSERT HIGH-MINERAL WHEY TO GO STRONG BONES Whey contains vitamin B13 - orotic acid - a mineral transporter. Using dairy correctly. Dairy is best consumed after it has been cultured as in yoghurt and cheeses Cultured dairy includes yoghurt, kefir, sour cream, cultured butter, cheeses of all kinds, whey and curds/clabber/cultured cream cheeses. The Masai tribesmen of Africa, consume milk as their principle food, always in soured or cultured form. Get a spring in your step with my high-mineral dessert using fresh liquid whey as a tonic every day with yoghurt cheese, plus tahini and blackstrap molasses, once daily for a period of time around 2 to 3 weeks - to be able to notice a difference. After that stop eating black strap molasses and check that blood sugar levels are not being affected. This dessert once or twice weekly should be enough after initial boost; be aware not to overdose, once you have topped up your mineral levels. Or you may need to take it regularly for longer, if you are very depleted in minerals. Mineral balance is a finely tuned feed-back system within the body, governed by numerous glands. Mineral Balance is defined as being nourished for your particular needs, according to your constitutional body type. Excesses of minerals will create cravings so one has to become aware of what one is eating and the minerals present in food intake - keep a food diary along with your Covid tracing diary. This is August 2020 as I write. Fragmented refined foods have less minerals, so eat whole foods. If you eat a high animal protein diet - which is acidifying - then you will need more alkaline minerals for balance. If you give up meat and become a vegetarian who eats plant foods such as vegetables, then you will have to eat enough whole grains and legumes for the balance of minerals. If you don’t eat meat, you have to eat whole grains along with legumes, beans, seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables + as the basis of a vegetarian diet. Millet has highest mineral levels and can be considered a super food if we consider the long distance runners of Africa. BS Molasses will stick to teeth and cause mouth bacteria to grow quickly, so brush teeth immediately after eating it. Check with your Health Care provider if you have health issues that may be affected by an increase in minerals, such as thyroid problems. RECIPE FOR HIGH MINERAL DESSERT - WHEY TO GO STRONG BONES When whey as fresh liquid (found in plain cultured yoghurt that has had no gelatine added) is added to this dessert, the minerals present will be carried easily around the body by the vitamin B13 orotic acid – the mineral transporter of the body. Fresh liquid whey is superior to dried whey powder. Ingredients for adult and teenager serve (less for children) • 2 to 4 tablespoons of plain yoghurt with whey liquid still present in yoghurt or several tablespoons of Labneh cultured cheese from * hung yoghurt * + 2 to 3 tablespoons of fresh liquid whey • 1 tablespoon [more or less] of tahini • 1 desertspoon more or less] of blackstrap molasses Place into bowl – yoghurt or hung yoghurt cheese with liquid whey, drizzle tahini over yoghurt, then a final drizzle of BS Molasses. I like to swirl it gently together to mix these 3 delicious foods. They will bring you a real boost to the minerals needed every day. It's a simple dessert for the whole family to enjoy! Remember to clean teeth immediately after eating this dessert, as the molasses sticks to teeth and encourages bacteria to grow, causing tooth decay. ALKALINE/ACID BALANCE – neutral is neither alkaline-forming nor acid-forming. Whey and Yoghurt eaten plain and unsweetened are neutral foods on pH scale. Tahini is slightly alkaline to neutral on pH scale, depending on oil used. Blackstrap Molasses that is organic and unsulphured is full of iron - it is slightly acid-forming. Dhyana’s comments - if you eat blackstrap molasses regularly, it is a good idea to also eat sea vegetables in some form, either sea lettuce, kelp, nori, etc. regularly in small amounts. The minerals enhance each other synergistically, as seaweeds contain an abundance of minerals. Be aware that TOO much of a good thing may harm you, so eat seaweeds in small amounts as the high levels of iodine in seaweed may cause an over-active thyroid. -------- How to Make Hung Yoghurt 1. * hung yoghurt * = labneh - if yoghurt is already several days old it will start splitting naturally, so pour a litre of plain yoghurt into a large sieve that is lined with a clean muslin or cotton cloth, on top of a wide mouthed bowl - the whey will drain out. Leave for up to 6 hours, then you will have curds= labneh=yoghurt soft white cheese and whey. 2. Or to assist splitting add either Salt about 1/2 teaspoon per liter yoghurt may be added into yoghurt pot to help split it before you pour it, but only if using whey afterwards for salty miso or savoury soups, as the salt comes out into the whey. 3. Or when you need yoghurt cream cheese for lemon cheesecake, use 2 tablespoons or more lemon/lime juice to split 1 liter of yoghurt. WHEY contains Vit B 13 Vitamin B13 orotic acid - aids in the transport of minerals in the body. Vit B13 is found in sour milk, whey, plain yoghurt & root vegetables. Whey has a lot of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and sodium. Whey is an excellent source of easily digested high quality protein and vitamins C, some B's and E. Whey promotes muscle function and growth, keeping muscles and ligaments young in the elderly. Whey is a remedy to assist your muscles to feel good and prevent age-related muscles loss. It will also keep your joints movable and your ligaments elastic. * One tablespoon of fresh liquid whey in a little water will help digestion. * Whey may help lower blood pressure, * treat type 2 diabetes * reduce inflammation and inflammatory bowel disease * promotes bone growth * increase anti-oxidant defenses by promoting the formation of glutathione, which is one of the bodys main anti-oxidants. * assists weight loss by reducing hunger due to a feeling of satiety. * the lactoferrin fraction of whey protein binds with iron providing a stable method of iron transport and lessens the amount of free iron that can trigger oxidative reactions. Excess free iron has been a concern in the acceleration of heart disease and other problems. Old Par, an old fellow lived to 152 years, on a diet of whey, hard coarse grain bread, sub-rancid cheese and milk. See page 87 Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. In iceland, whey accumulated as a by-product of curd-making and was kept in barrels where a fermentation process began. It was called Syra and was used to preserve meats, fish and as a starter culture for lacto-fermented vegetables and fruits. As the whey continued to ferment, a blanket appeared on the surface of a syra barrel - this was called Jastur= yeast. TAHINI is slightly alkaline to neutral on pH scale, depending on oil used. TAHINI - One tablespoon of tahini has - 90 calories, 3 grams protein, 8 grams fat, 3 grams carbohydrate, plus minerals of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorous. + Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B15, and Vit E. Tahini strengthens the central nervous system, protects against cancer and contains lecithin. Sesame seeds are the first ingredient in tahini, the second being oil of some kind. Most oils are neutral on pH scale, with olive oil being slightly alkaline-forming. BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES guards against osteoporosis Blackstrap Molasses that is organic and unsulphured is slightly acid-forming. 1 tablespoon of BSM weighs approx. 20 grams. Following minerals found in BSM are in a 14gram dose + using Daily Values needed Manganese 18% of DV Copper 14% of DV Iron 13% of DV Calcium 12% of DV Potassium 10% of DV Magnesium 7% of DV IMPORTANT FOOTNOTES MINERALS are just as important as vitamins according to Dr R Stone Chiropractor practising in Indian Ashrams circa 1973 " Minerals are needed in the tissues for tone and as conductors of electro-magnetic light waves, which link the chromosomes of the cells to the finer energies of Nature. Without these basic conductors, the molecular energy has no field in which to operate. " page 72 in 'Health Building' by Dr Randolph Stone - founder of Polarity Therapy. Considering the importance of this FACT OF THE FIELD we can make sure we eat adequate mineral-rich food. Top mineral rich foods are whey, yoghurt, all Cheeses, tahini, organic blackstrap molasses, all seaweeds, whole grains especially millet and quinoa; green herbs, raw and cooked vegetables, kale, & fruits. |
Dhyana Tribe Health researcher and naturopath |