My Best Alkaline Rich Recipes
by Dhyana Tribe * All recipes are based on good food combinations. * The Good Oils are also listed, including which oils are best eaten raw and which can be used to cook with. * All recipes show alkaline/acid pH balance and give a glycemic index rating. * Most recipes are Low Glycemic Index, to assist with weight loss. * A4, 48 pages NZ$ 24.00 This book is not available through our online store, please request a quote including shipping. |
This Cookbook is more than a collection of Dhyana’s favourite recipes. It contains 7 pages about how the alkaline acid balance is so important to our good health. The 80/20 alkaline/acid FOOD CHART is conveniently placed in the middle of the Cookbook, for easy reference.
It explains how to alkalise gradually so as not to upset your body too much.
FOOD COMBINING is an important part of this Cookbook and there are 5 pages on the correct food combinations for proteins, carbohydrates, fats, oils, vegetables and fruits.
This Cookbook has some classic recipes that reflect Dhyana’s Macrobiotic experience, as well as her Biogenic roots. There are recipes for summer salads, cooling summer meals and winter warming foods, based on Complementary Vegan Primary Protein combinations to improve protein content of Vegan meals.
It explains how to alkalise gradually so as not to upset your body too much.
FOOD COMBINING is an important part of this Cookbook and there are 5 pages on the correct food combinations for proteins, carbohydrates, fats, oils, vegetables and fruits.
This Cookbook has some classic recipes that reflect Dhyana’s Macrobiotic experience, as well as her Biogenic roots. There are recipes for summer salads, cooling summer meals and winter warming foods, based on Complementary Vegan Primary Protein combinations to improve protein content of Vegan meals.