A healthy tooth has a circulation system that keeps nutrients flowing in and bacteria flowing out. It is living system. A root canal procedure removes the pulp and nerve and the space is then filled and sealed. Now the tooth is dead leaving it vulnerable and open to anaerobic bacteria and moulds. As there is no escape for these pathogens they can sit inside the tooth and fester creating a chronic infection that causes systemic damage. Kenneth Kornman DDS, editor of Journal of Periodontology states "Inflammation is a major risk factor for heart disease and periodontal disease may increase inflammation throughout the body"
As with periodontal disease ( chronic inflammation of the gums), often you are not even aware this is occurring – it is in fact a "silent inflammation" If you have an intact and very strong immune system you may be able to deal with this chronic infection until the total load of toxicity spills over. If you are genetically predisposed with a weak detoxification system and your diet and lifestyle compromises your immune function you may develop systemic symptoms such as joint pain, headaches, fatigue or ultimately degenerative conditions such as cardiovascular disease or cancer. Most of the time these problems are never related to your teeth.
An article from Pub Med states "subgingival biofilms constitute an enormous and continued bacterial load"
Daily oral health is vitally important for a healthy immune system. The mouth like the gut has its own microbiome. Healthy saliva flow, healthy gums and pH and healthy gut bacteria are all requirements to keep the oral microbiome balanced. Root canals, mercury amalgams, harsh chemicals and poor diet can all kill off healthy oral bugs. As we play host to these microbes ( we are 90% microbes) that play a major role in keeping us well, we must provide a healthy environment and prevent periodontal disease.
Consuming an alkaline, anti-inflammatory and low glycemic diet along with a daily holistic dental routine will go along way in preventing the chronic oral infections that lead to chronic inflammation. You can make an alkaline mouth rinse using baking soda and sea salt and a few drops of anti-bacterial essential oils such as clove, frankincense, myrrh, tea tree, lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, thyme etc.
See our Better Balance charts: Anti-inflammatory Food Guide, 80/20 alkaline/acid chart and the Glycemic Index chart.